Data Science, as a highly interdisciplinary field, is playing a more and more critical and central role in the development of cyberspace and various applications. Data science in cyberspace is an integral part of competitive intelligence, a newly emerging field that encompasses a number of activities, such as data mining and data analysis. Data science in cyberspace inspires novel techniques and theories drawn from many areas, such as mathematics, statistics, information theory, computer science, and social science, and involves many specific domains, such as signal processing, probability models, machine learning, statistical learning, data mining, database, data engineering, pattern recognition and learning, visualization, predictive analytics, uncertainty modeling, data warehousing, data compression, computer programming, and high performance computing.
You can download Call for Papers from here.
The IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC) will bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of data science. IEEE DSC 2016 invites submissions on a wide spectrum of topics, including but not limited to the following areas:
1. Data Science
2. Big Data
3. Data Intensive Applications in Cyberspace
4. Data Intensive Systems
5. Social Networks and Social Media
6. Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning
7. Information Retrieval and Smart Search
8. Cyberspace Security
9. Network Wisdom
All submissions should be in English. All submissions must be prepared in the IEEE camera-ready format and submitted through the EasyChair system. Only submissions in PDF format are accepted. Research paper submissions are limited to 10 pages. A paper submitted to DSC 2016 cannot be under review for any other conference or journal during the entire period that it is considered for DSC 2016, and must be
substantially different from any previously published work.Submissions are reviewed in a single-blind manner.
Please note that all submissions must strictly adhere to the IEEE templates as provided below. The templates also act as a guideline regarding formatting. In particular, all submissions must use either the LATEXtemplate or the MS-Word template. Please follow exactly the instructions below to ensure that your submission can ultimately be included in the proceedings.
Authors must not reuse their past papers as a template. Authors must download a fresh copy of the IEEE DSC 2016 template, either for MS-Word or LATEX, by specifically using the links below. Both provided templates use the US-LETTER page size, which is the only size allowed for submissions. The LATEXtemplate package contains four different starter files, the correct one to use as a starting point for your paper is ‘bare conf.tex’.
Authors must read the format instructions in the PDF version of the template before using it to write their paper. Authors need to make sure that the bibliography is in the required format. For LATEX, this is handled through the special downloadable file.
Authors must proofread their paper PDF file before submission.
Using these templates is strongly advised to all authors submitting a paper for reviewing and mandatory for those uploading the camera-ready version of their papers. Failure to produce correctly formatted camera-ready submissions may result in the paper’s exclusion from the Proceedings.

The conference and workshop proceedings will be published with IEEE CPS. All accpted papers will be indexed by EI. Best papers from the conference proceedings will be selected by the board for followup fast-tracked journal publication in some well-known SCI-indexed journals, including WWWJ(World Wide Web Journal), JCST(Journal of Computer Science and Technology) adn CJE(Chinese Journal Of Electronics), etc. Followup work requires at least 40% new material and should focus on practical and implementation issues.
Workshop Proposals: February 1, 2016
Abstract due:March 15, 2016
Full paper due: March 15, 2016
Acceptance notification: April 15, 2016
Camera-ready copy: April 23, 2016
Conference Date: June 13-16, 2016